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Transformed by god's love
After becoming a Christian in 2015, Sarah talks about her experience of leaving her lesbian relationship to pursue a relationship with God. Sarah's personal testimony is combined with insight as to how she interpreted God's word for herself, as she navigated the big questions of faith and sexuality. Sarah offers a helpful perspective to those wrestling with this topic for themselves and seeks to provide support to church leaders supporting people in the LGBTQ+ community to hear from God for themselves. The book is a helpful and concise look at this divisive topic, delivered in a compassionate, non judgemental way, yet at the same time without compromising what the word of God teaches.
Sarah's style of writing from the perspective of a new believer is refreshing in it's simplicity and honest appraisal of what she found in her journey of faith.
Sarah's style of writing from the perspective of a new believer is refreshing in it's simplicity and honest appraisal of what she found in her journey of faith.
The church is divided over homosexuality, yet there can only be one truth. Smoke and Mirrors highlights the deception many Christians are operating under and considers how Satan is attacking Christianity in the areas of gender and sexual identity. Sarah likens his methodology to that of magicians who use smoke and mirrors to create elaborate illusions.
Many Christians have been completely fooled by the illusions and are now endorsing, and even celebrating sin. This book points the reader to God’s holiness and our calling to mirror his holiness as we live as those set apart from the world.
Sarah draws on her own experience as someone who was in the LGBTQ+ community for 30 years to help the reader see how damaging the false teaching is. She incorporates testimony at the end of each chapter from others who have left LGBTQ+, which gives the reader a perspective not often offered in our culture.
A great read for every Christian who has questions about sexuality and faith.
Many Christians have been completely fooled by the illusions and are now endorsing, and even celebrating sin. This book points the reader to God’s holiness and our calling to mirror his holiness as we live as those set apart from the world.
Sarah draws on her own experience as someone who was in the LGBTQ+ community for 30 years to help the reader see how damaging the false teaching is. She incorporates testimony at the end of each chapter from others who have left LGBTQ+, which gives the reader a perspective not often offered in our culture.
A great read for every Christian who has questions about sexuality and faith.
Daily encouragement for parents of prodigals offering a springboard for prayer. Using graphics from daily social media posts used in the Abba's Heart prayer group, the book is designed to help parents persevere in prayer for their adult prodigals.

This book is a must-read for EVERY Church leader, parent , those working with children and young adults and also for any Christian who has questions about their sexuality.
- Delia Stonham on Smoke and Mirrors
Smoke and Mirrors will equip you to see beyond the twisting of truth, to see beyond the confusion, as you hear what Scripture has to say and read the testimonies of those who the Truth has set free."
- Phelim McIntyre on Smoke and Mirrors
Her work is not just a collection of narratives, but a compelling testament to the transformative power of Jesus Christ in the lives of the broken.
- Paresh Hipparkar on Smoke and Mirrors