Entering into the battle for our children

Ephesians 6: 12-13
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

Bible believing Christian parents of LGBTQ children (of all ages) are faced with a situation which is confusing and heart-breaking. There have always been prodigals who have been the subject of their parent’s prayers – but this is new territory for many. This requires another level of understanding and ability in spiritual warfare. Over the last five years there has been a global increase in identity confusion and at the same time a decline in a Biblical worldview which sees God's Word, the Bible - as the plumb line of Truth.  This has hit believing families and divided many asunder.  To add to the confusion the LGBTQ movement has introduced new interpretations to Scripture to accommodate their agenda.

Perhaps this is you? Perhaps you are just still reeling from a conversation with your son or daughter and waking at night 'wondering where you went wrong'.  You are not alone.

There is help out there and advice from seasoned parents about how to live and love well in the midst of the battle.  The Abbas Heart group run by Transformed Ministries, and the Changed movement, have multiple links for you to get the help you need.

But I would like in this writing to address the issue of spiritual warfare and the need to make sure as parents/carers that we are fully equipped and armoured in order to :

  • Stand and not get knocked out of the fight
  • Become effective in prayer and see changes happen
  • Become confident in our own identity in Christ.
  • Get perspective in order to love our children more deeply
  • Keep our marriages and wider family safe and strong.
  • Stand together with others in the battle - forming a strong front.
  • Take the fight to other fronts.

To achieve this we need to have some understanding of the strategy of satan in this present onslaught. The subject of witchcraft may seem an odd thing to bring up here – but bear with me.  

Derek Prince taught extensively on the subject of witchcraft and it is from these teachings that we learn that the main aim of a spirit of witchcraft is to ‘Reverse the roles of men and women'.  Essentially to cause women to rise up and usurp the role of men and for men to 'abdicate' their roles.

In the last sixty years there has been a rise of feminism and equality between the sexes some of which was 'good' and has addressed the serious devaluation of women.  However it has 'progressed' to such an extent that there is now emerging a male population who are weakened in their true identity. Fatherlessness and family breakdown is common and the last decade has seen an explosion of confusion in the area of sexuality.  This spirit of witchcraft has been at work under orders to undermine God's perfect design and order for human kind.
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.    1 Corinthians 11:13

We have all been infected by the negative interpretations of this verse. Our culture almost automatically connects the word 'patriarchy' with abuse and certainly we see the worst of it in other cultures.  The truth is – EQUALITY OF VALUE IS OUR INHERITANCE as humans – Jesus Himself reinstated the status of women as equal inheritors of the Kingdom.

The AUTHORITY status of men and women is as the above verse states and that is for our protection as humans in a world that is still in the grip of Satan until the Lord Jesus returns as King. We have an enemy with a strategy playing on the hurts and wounds of human beings to make life 'better' for the 'underdogs.' But in fact the end game is far worse. The destruction of humankind by an enemy who cannot bear that we are made in the image of God and destined to be the Bride for God's son Jesus.

Today’s battle for our children is THIS battle.

David Tidy the founder of Prayer Warriors international has outlined a 'breakdown' of the principality of witchcraft and discerned the operation of five 'feminine deities' ruling over the UK. Most of us are unaware of such things and we are not all called to their level of the battle. But when we see the battle coming into our homes and the fruit of these spirits' work – then we do need to RISE UP and take our God given authority in prayer and warfare over the domain for which we are responsible.

It is possible that this prevailing spirit of witchcraft which is spreading abroad in the earth has manifested in your relationship with your child causing you to feel:
  • Intimidated
  • Bullied
  • Accused
  • Guilty                
  • Crushed /weakened (especially dads).
  • Powerless
  • Undermined and shaken in your faith

Remember and take into consideration that this is part of the strategy to cause believing parents to be weakened and therefore avoid or capitulate.

 INTIMIDATION can rob you of:
  • Boldness
  • Exploits
  • Peace
  • Health
  • Encouragement
  • Enthusiasm
  • Self-control
Before you enter the spiritual battle in prayer make sure you have no bits of armour missing in your own life.  Contact us for a copy of a proposed checklist.  We also recommend you consider the Steps to Freedom in Christ as a tool that will help you in this.

We have complete authority as mothers, fathers and grandparents over the domain of our family. So be confident to speak out loud, addressing deceiving spirits that are at work in your son/daughter. If a father is present then he should take authority first. There is no need to fear – you are fully clean and prepared for battle.  In BINDING spirits you are incapacitating and restraining their influence in your child and in your home. Mark 3:27

An example prayer based on 2 Corinthians 10:4-6/ James 4:7

Father God,
In the name of Jesus we bind the deceiving spirits that are at work in our son/daughter.
We bind the spirits of witchcraft that are confusing his/her sexuality and we ask for the conviction of your Holy Spirit to be at work in his/her life to bring about a right mind and a repentance from sin.

We pray that our children will become disillusioned with the 'pack' they are running with and begin to see the 'ugly underbelly' of their lifestyle.
We renounce the intimidation of these spirits in our own lives and declare the Lordship of Christ over our marriage, our wider family and our house and goods.
We are bringing down high things that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God and declaring the victory of the Cross of Christ over the thoughts and imaginations in the mind of our son /daughter.
We ask for strength and purity in our bodies and minds as we persevere in this fight. We pray for growing faith in You and Your promises even when we do not see results yet.




