Birthday Celebrations

Transformed Ministries is 3 years old today!  We celebrate God’s goodness as we look back and see his hand of blessing over our work.  What the enemy meant for harm; God turns around for our good.  I see that in so many ways as I look at how this Ministry was conceived, birthed and how it grows.  As I hear prophesy speaking into our future as a ministry, I celebrate the love of Jesus for us and the grace and abundance that he showers over us.

We exist to make the name of Jesus known, to share a different perspective from that of the world, a heavenly perspective on life, love and identity.  Our heart beats in time with God’s heart for the lost and searching, our desire to be a safe space for all to explore what God teaches about sexuality and faith without fear or condemnation.

Celebrate with us today.  Celebrate three years of seeking God’s pathway, three years of surrender, sacrifice, joy and blessings.  Not forgetting to celebrate three years of building the most amazing and incredible family of God-fearing believers who passionately follow Jesus with all their heart.

What a blessing this Ministry has been to me and to countless others, please pray that it continues to grow in line with God’s heart and plans for our future.



