Meeting with a group of like-minded Christians is so refreshing. We are reminded in Proverbs 27 that “Iron sharpens iron” and that is exactly how I feel after each of the weekly TBGL zoom calls that are run by Transformed Ministries. When you chat to a member of the group you will hear them talk about the “transformed family”, a disparate group of individuals who have found their tribe. Our common denominator? We have chosen to follow Jesus first and foremost, and that means we have chosen to turn our back on our same sex attractions and wholeheartedly pursue relationship with God.
Sadly some outsiders hurl unfounded accusations at us, suggesting this is some form of conversion therapy. I invite anyone who thinks that to attend one of our Zoom calls and see for themselves how that couldn’t be further from the truth. Our calls include vibrant Bible studies, video teachings from Prophets and Evangelists, times of lively discussion, and times of quiet reflection. Many of our members comment on the shared hunger for more of God in this group, something they are not always seeing in their church community.
My purpose for telling you this? Simply to highlight the threat that hangs over us from those members of society, and the church, who would tell you that what we are doing is intolerable and coercive. Try telling that to Brad*, a new member of the group who has experienced the worst of abuse that does actually constitute conversion therapy in his home town, but has now found a welcoming and loving community with us, where he is able to pursue his passion for Jesus.
Praise God, he gave us free will, and praise God that more and more of us are exercising that free will and joining together to grow in stature and faith as His transformed disciples. In a world that champions freedom of choice, we ask for parity, we ask for the right to meet, to share and to encourage each other without unfounded accusations being thrown at us.
Just this week we hear reports of a Christian brother in Malta being taken to court for sharing his own testimony – his alleged crime, that he promoted “conversion practices” in an online interview. It is reported on the CBN news website that “at no point during the interview did he invite any listener to attend therapy or encourage anyone to get help for unwanted same sex attraction”. Yet next month he faces a court trial and potential prison sentence for simply sharing the truth of what God has done in his life. Where is the justice, where is the right to freedom of religion and freedom of speech?
I urge all, Christian or non-Christian, to wake up and check their hearts over whether they are practising discernment when responding to media accusations. Justice is important, but are Christians receiving a just and fair hearing, or has the noisy protest of a small minority drowned out common sense and equity of treatment.
I am trusting God for a wave of truth to overcome all false accusations and lies of the devil. I invite you to stand with us in prayer.
*name changed to protect identity
Sadly some outsiders hurl unfounded accusations at us, suggesting this is some form of conversion therapy. I invite anyone who thinks that to attend one of our Zoom calls and see for themselves how that couldn’t be further from the truth. Our calls include vibrant Bible studies, video teachings from Prophets and Evangelists, times of lively discussion, and times of quiet reflection. Many of our members comment on the shared hunger for more of God in this group, something they are not always seeing in their church community.
My purpose for telling you this? Simply to highlight the threat that hangs over us from those members of society, and the church, who would tell you that what we are doing is intolerable and coercive. Try telling that to Brad*, a new member of the group who has experienced the worst of abuse that does actually constitute conversion therapy in his home town, but has now found a welcoming and loving community with us, where he is able to pursue his passion for Jesus.
Praise God, he gave us free will, and praise God that more and more of us are exercising that free will and joining together to grow in stature and faith as His transformed disciples. In a world that champions freedom of choice, we ask for parity, we ask for the right to meet, to share and to encourage each other without unfounded accusations being thrown at us.
Just this week we hear reports of a Christian brother in Malta being taken to court for sharing his own testimony – his alleged crime, that he promoted “conversion practices” in an online interview. It is reported on the CBN news website that “at no point during the interview did he invite any listener to attend therapy or encourage anyone to get help for unwanted same sex attraction”. Yet next month he faces a court trial and potential prison sentence for simply sharing the truth of what God has done in his life. Where is the justice, where is the right to freedom of religion and freedom of speech?
I urge all, Christian or non-Christian, to wake up and check their hearts over whether they are practising discernment when responding to media accusations. Justice is important, but are Christians receiving a just and fair hearing, or has the noisy protest of a small minority drowned out common sense and equity of treatment.
I am trusting God for a wave of truth to overcome all false accusations and lies of the devil. I invite you to stand with us in prayer.
*name changed to protect identity
Posted in Justice, LGBTQ, Peer Support
Posted in conversion therapy, TBGL, once gay, former LGBTQ, Christian, pastoral care, SSA
Posted in conversion therapy, TBGL, once gay, former LGBTQ, Christian, pastoral care, SSA
Rev12 Project
Transformed by God's Love
Transformed by God\'s Love
abbas heart
church audit
church finder
conversion therapy
former LGBTQ
former LGBTQ
once gay
pastoral care
same sex attraction
sexual ethics
smoke and mirrors
spacious place
transformed ministries