Posts with the category “rev12-project”

New Artists join the Rev12 Project
by Sarah Sedgwick on October 27th, 2022
Just 8 weeks after the Rev12 Project launched we are excited to introduce the work of two new artists, Ravonne and Suri.  What connects these two artists is the fact that they both came from Christian homes; Ravonne a Pastor's Kid in the States and Suri the daughter of Youth Pastors from Venezuela.  Sadly, as young adults they both left their faith to pursue the empty promises of the world.It's gr...  Read More
Baptise them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
by Sarah Sedgwick on October 1st, 2022
Baptisms are such special occasions, so it was with joy that we learned that one of our Transformed International members, and key contributor to the Rev12 Project, got baptised at a conference this weekend.   Katrina has only been a Christian for a year, yet one read of her devotions included in the Rev12 Project give you a clear idea of the amazing work God has done in her life in such a short s...  Read More
Products of Conversion Therapy??
by Sarah Sedgwick on September 30th, 2022
As Christians we live in challenging times, for members of the Rev12 project none more so than when we tell someone that we are former LGBTQ+.  This immediately brings challenges and assumptions; the usual assumption being that we have been subjected to some kind of conversion therapy.  Of course, most people don’t actually understand what is meant by that term, they have simply been indoctrinated...  Read More



