Put away the flags!

This week we launched all our training resources on to YouTube.  For the full experience, with teaching notes we still recommend that you sign up to our e-learning platform (Click Here). But the main reason for launching to YouTube is to ensure we reach as wide an audience as possible.  These videos are aimed at helping churches to assess where they are in terms of how friendly and welcoming they are to the LGBT community and how they can create space for people to learn about the love of God for themselves.

One of the catalysts for releasing these more widely was an advert I saw this week for “Rainbow Carols”, a carol service where the LGBT community would “feel welcome.”  Surely that should be the case for every carol service in every church.  As the church we should not have to create a two tier system where you are welcomed by the show of a flag, but when it’s not waved perhaps the welcome is not real?
Let us be the true face of Jesus this Christmas and throughout the year as we learn how to be welcoming and supportive to all, a place where people from any community can come and learn about who Jesus says they are and what that means for their life today.

For more details on any of our training resources please contact tbglministry@gmail.com

All training videos can be found on our YouTube channel @transformedministries



