Posts with the tag “truth”
Overcoming sexual sin
by Guest Blogger on July 31st, 2023
I struggled for many years with sexual sin. It was my “go to” way for comforting myself each time I struggled with emotional pain. At times it was constantly a problem, other times I could go for several months without it being an issue, but as soon as something hurt emotionally it would begin again.When some people realise they are struggling with sexual sin they have prayer and are delivered imm... Read More
And you will be hated by all for my name's sake
by Sarah Sedgwick on July 9th, 2023
This week a friend shared how she has been told by a friend of 20+ years that they can no longer be friends because of her Christian beliefs on homosexual behaviour. To get it clear, my friend has simply responded to a request from her friend to send verses from the Bible which said that homosexual behaviour is sinful. Having shared those verses (as requested) she now finds herself ostracised, d... Read More
Who is your highest authority?
by Sarah Sedgwick on April 3rd, 2023
Acts 5:29 (New Living Translation) tells us that when Peter and the apostles were summoned to the High Priest to answer why they had continued to teach in the name of Jesus, despite being banned, they replied, “We must obey God rather than any human authority.As I read today of the discussions within the Scottish parliament, and recognising that similar conversations are taking place in Wales and ... Read More
Our default as humans is hell
by Sarah Sedgwick on March 13th, 2023
It’s always a privilege to be asked to speak about my faith and personal testimony, it’s usually the Q & A session that I find the most fun as I get a chance to really hear what’s on people’s hearts. In a couple of weeks I am speaking to a youth group and have been furnished with their questions in advance. One question that popped out of the page to me was this, “Will LGBTQ people go to hell?We... Read More
Truth, turning and transformation
by Sarah Sedgwick on March 6th, 2023
I love delivering the Freedom in Christ course, it has become a key part of the discipleship we offer our group members and it never fails to deliver. On the Freedom in Christ website they highlight three “T’s” that they associate with the course:Truth, turning and transformation.The ten week course gives us space and time to look at the truth of who we are in Christ, and of course the truth that... Read More
What did Jesus say?
by Sarah Sedgwick on February 21st, 2023
What did Jesus say about homosexuality?OK so this is a question we hear all the time, and many people will say that Jesus was silent on this. I disagree with that; Jesus did speak about sexual immorality and I will cover that shortly. But the other day I was reading the book of John and was drawn to the final verse which says, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were writt... Read More
God himself will tend us
by Sarah Sedgwick on February 9th, 2023
This week the Church of England has sent a very stark message to all those who have turned their back on their homosexual past to follow Jesus. By voting to bless same sex marriage they have told us that we were mistaken, that we shouldn’t have picked up our cross and followed Him, that our sacrifice was unnecessary.However, the good news is, we don’t follow a denomination or a church body, we fo... Read More
Searching for truth
by Sarah Sedgwick on December 14th, 2022
Our TBGL groups are studying the 10 Commandments and it’s refreshing to revisit them with a new lens and see how they should impact our lives today. This week we have been looking at command number 9 - “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour”, which basically is a reminder to be truth tellers in all and every circumstance. The study has opened up conversations around the conc... Read More