Coming to America

We have to admit to a degree of excitement as TBGL is hosting its first overseas retreat in just over one weeks’ time.  Previously we have held our annual get togethers in the UK, and we have enjoyed some great teaching and times of passionate worship, and firm friendships have been formed.
We've been very blessed that some of our members from the US have made the trip in the past, so it's even more exciting to be reconnecting with some of them, as well as meeting many new people in person for the first time.

Of course, we really do know each other well, meeting weekly on Zoom; but nothing can beat the sense of love and community that comes from spending quality time with each other in the same room.
The theme of our retreat this year is John 8 36 –“who the son sets free is free indeed!”  No matter how long you have been a Christian, we all pick up baggage along the way and it is refreshing to be able to take two days out of our busy schedules to allow the Holy Spirit access to remind us of the freedom we walk in as children of God.

When was the last time you stopped, and allowed yourself to relax in the presence of God?

We know that many who are attending are really looking forward to having space and time, in a beautiful setting, to re calibrate and reconnect with God in a more intimate way.  If you are one of the people who couldn’t make it this year, we encourage you to diary some time between the 11th and 13th October to spend with God.  Abide in the verse in John 8:36 and ask God where does he want to bring you more freedom, what burdens are you carrying that he simply doesn’t want you to bear any longer?

And if you are a member of our Abba’s Heart or TBGL groups please do think about joining us for future events, keep an eye on our social media pages or contact us by email to register for details of future events.





1 Corinthians 6 24 hours of prayer Baptism Bible teaching Christian art Christian Church CofE Daniel 4 Emily Sargent Fitting in Highest authority Jesus is the way John 8 LGBTQ+ LGBT Leicester New Creation Progress Pride Flag Psalm 139 Pure Joy Rev12 Project SSA Christians SSA Christian SSA teenagers SSA TBGL The Times abbas heart accountability affirming church bible study for parents biblical sexual ethic blessed born gay born this way brotherlylove build the wall calling celibate christian children and pride christian parents christian response to Pride christian teenagers christian teen church and same sex marriage church and sexuality church deceived church leaders church training codependency come out coming out conversations about sexuality conversion therapy ban conversion therapy discipleship emotional dependency faith and sexuality false teaching find Jesus former LGBTQ former LGBTQ freedom in christ freedom of religion gay affirming gay celibate christian gay children gay christian gay teenager glory to glory hell homosexuality hope shouts louder humility idolatry inclusive church indoctrination intercessory prayer jesus joanne highley john 1:2-4 john 3:16 justiceforchristians labels lgbtq prodigals lgbtq love is love love your neighbour matthew 5:11 mediation ministry new identity once gay overcoming sin parenting in faith parents of prodigals parents of trans pastoral care peer support persecution powerofprayer poweroftestimony prayer wall prayer praying for LGBTQ praying for our children praying for prodigals pride prodigals prodigal progressive church pronouns psalm 18 reconciliation reflecting god relative truth responding to Pride retreat rev12project rev12 roots of SSA safe and welcoming church same sex attraction same sex marriage same sex relationships samesexfriendship sex and relationships sexual fluidity sexual identity sexual immorality sexual sin sexuality and faith questions sexuality and faith side a christian side b christian single friendly church small group smoke and mirrors space to meet God spacious place training spacious place spiritual armor spiritual armour spiritual warfare such a time as this such were some of you teenager temptation testimony thinking straight transformation transformed by gods love transformed family transformed international transformed ministries transformedbygodslove transformedministries transformed transgender in church transgender trans true freedom truth uncommon love bible study uncommon love welcome church what did Jesus say what is truth why me woman in adultery