Feature on our church finder...

Many of our members have had difficulty finding a church where they feel safe to share about their past.  For those who still experience a degree of same sex attraction, talking about how their week has been in a small group setting may not always be easy, and there may be some temptations they’d rather keep under wraps.

Our passion at TBGL is to equip churches to be spacious places, where all are able to talk about their real challenges, without fear of judgment.  Equally as important is the need for churches to be places where anyone from the LGBTQ+ community can walk in the door and be welcomed and feel genuinely loved.

It’s not just this community who need to feel that way; everyone who comes from a non-church background is bound to carry some fear of rejection and feel judged when they venture into a church full of “perfect” Christians.

Church leaders may not always be aware of some of the small (and large) things that can cause hurt or feel judgmental and it’s our desire to equip them to recognise the small changes that can make a huge difference. Starting with our church audit below – how comfortable are you that your church can honestly say yes to all of the statements?
Our desire is that all churches can affirm the following statements, and we would love to hear from you if these describe your church so that we can include you on our TBGL church finder which we expect to launch via our website in Quarter 3 of 2025.

If there are any statements that you are not currently able to confirm, please get in touch as we would love to help you by providing training.  For all church leaders we encourage you to utilise our peer support groups as an additional resource for your members, particularly where your church is not big enough to host your own support groups.

Please prayerfully consider the audit – we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Email admin@transformedbygodslove.com

TBGL Church audit

  • Anyone from the LGBTQ+ community will be welcomed to your church services and encouraged to become part of the church community/membership without being affirmed in their LGBTQ+ identity.

  • Gender and sexual identity are not highlighted as being any worse than other sinful patterns of behaviour and your focus is on all in your church community building their identity on their relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • All church teaching calls for the highest levels of sexual purity amongst Christians, that sex is reserved for the marriage of one man and one woman, and that no other sexual expression is biblical.  This is taught consistently with no focus on any one form of sexual sin being worse than another.

  • A Christian who experiences same sex attraction but has committed to living a holy life (celibate and not wearing any worldly labels) would not be prevented from serving or exercising their spiritual giftings within your church.

  • Any form of abuse, derogatory language or stereotypical attitudes towards those who wrestle with sexual, or gender identity will not be tolerated between members of the church or in teaching situations.

  • You recognise that people from an LGBTQ+ background may require additional pastoral care and peer support and either provide something yourselves or are comfortable referring them to online support groups such as TBGL.

  • You recognise that change in an individual’s identity results from their personal commitment to follow Jesus, and as such recognise that pressurising people into change through prayer or deliverance ministry is not helpful and that conversion therapy is an abhorrent practice.



