Posts with the tag “homosexuality”
Shining the spotlight
by Sarah Sedgwick on January 3rd, 2024
Today we simply wanted to shine. the spotlight on our TBGL groups, because we have a passion to ensure that no one who is on the journey of exploring sexuality and faith for themselves, feels alone. We want everyone to have access to a community of like-minded Christians who support and encourage each other. That is why we are so committed to our peer support (TBGL) groups. These groups allow lik... Read More
Overcoming sexual sin
by Guest Blogger on July 31st, 2023
I struggled for many years with sexual sin. It was my “go to” way for comforting myself each time I struggled with emotional pain. At times it was constantly a problem, other times I could go for several months without it being an issue, but as soon as something hurt emotionally it would begin again.When some people realise they are struggling with sexual sin they have prayer and are delivered imm... Read More
And you will be hated by all for my name's sake
by Sarah Sedgwick on July 9th, 2023
This week a friend shared how she has been told by a friend of 20+ years that they can no longer be friends because of her Christian beliefs on homosexual behaviour. To get it clear, my friend has simply responded to a request from her friend to send verses from the Bible which said that homosexual behaviour is sinful. Having shared those verses (as requested) she now finds herself ostracised, d... Read More
What did Jesus say?
by Sarah Sedgwick on February 21st, 2023
What did Jesus say about homosexuality?OK so this is a question we hear all the time, and many people will say that Jesus was silent on this. I disagree with that; Jesus did speak about sexual immorality and I will cover that shortly. But the other day I was reading the book of John and was drawn to the final verse which says, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were writt... Read More
Prodigal Come Home
by Sarah Sedgwick on January 3rd, 2023
Prodigal come home – the cry of the Father’s heart to the children who were brought up in church, yet have been drawn away by the empty promises of the world.The NLT version of the Bible tells us in Proverbs 22:6 – “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.”My personal experience of this is so true. I was brought up in church and taught Biblical tr... Read More