Posts with the tag “inclusive”

Launch of Smoke and Mirrors
by Sarah Sedgwick on April 16th, 2024
I’m sure many Christians are dismayed at the amount of time spent on debating what God’s Word says about homosexuality, and how we as churches must respond to those who want equality in marriage.  This is a huge distraction for church leaders and while their focus is on this, their eyes are turned from our great commission, namely, to make disciples of all nations.  Rather, many leaders today are ...  Read More
Affirming, inclusive and progressive (God's better way)
by Sarah Sedgwick on February 11th, 2023
Seeing the Church of England continue to implode this week reminded me of a recent article I wrote about how we can be welcoming to all, without affirming sinful behaviours.Sadly, living in a post Christian society we are challenged to declare our support of, and uphold the personal rights of, everyone and anyone to do life their way.  Saying that you’re an affirming, inclusive and progressive chu...  Read More
God himself will tend us
by Sarah Sedgwick on February 9th, 2023
This week the Church of England has sent a very stark message to all those who have turned their back on their homosexual past to follow Jesus.  By voting to bless same sex marriage they have told us that we were mistaken, that we shouldn’t have picked up our cross and followed Him, that our sacrifice was unnecessary.However, the good news is, we don’t follow a denomination or a church body, we fo...  Read More
Bowing down to idols
by Sarah Sedgwick on January 31st, 2023
I was deeply saddened this week to read that St Nicholas Church in Leicester has given pride of place (excuse the pun) to the progress pride flag on its altar.  The Daily Mail online reports that “Church reverend Canon Karen Rooms claims the huge fabric Progress Pride Flag is merely a way of letting visitors know they are ‘welcome and safe”.I will come back to the ‘welcome and safe’ comment in a m...  Read More
Righteous Anger
by Sarah Sedgwick on November 9th, 2022
I think it’s called righteous anger, but a wave of emotion swept over me as I heard the voice of the Bishop of Oxford calling for the Church of England to accept same sex marriage.  I don’t write from a theoretical position, but from one of personal testimony.  Having been in a civil partnership with another woman for 16 years, I know what it feels like to centre my identity on my sexuality, and d...  Read More
Wake up Church
by Sarah Sedgwick on October 3rd, 2022
There are still many churches who preach and uphold the word of God on sexuality; sadly far fewer than were doing so a decade ago. How do these churches remain aware of the “leaven” and protect themselves from being tainted by the false teaching that is so prevalent today?One of the things that is essential is not to sit back and do nothing.  Members of our congregations live in the world and the ...  Read More
Truth triumphs over lies
by Sarah Sedgwick on September 27th, 2022
I have the privilege as a fifty something year old to co-host our young adults zoom group.  As we work through the disciple course with them, I have had opportunity to reflect on the difference in environment that they were brought up in, compared to the world I grew up in some thirty years before them.  The chasm between the two worlds is vast, despite the time period being relatively short.  How...  Read More



