Shining the spotlight

Today we simply wanted to shine. the spotlight on our TBGL groups, because we have a passion to ensure that no one who is on the journey of exploring sexuality and faith for themselves, feels alone. We want everyone to have access to a community of like-minded Christians who support and encourage each other. That is why we are so committed to our peer support (TBGL) groups.  These groups allow like-minded Christians, who are freely exploring what God’s best is for them, to find a spacious place to grow. They are places of friendship, discipleship; places where Christians grow together in an environment where no question is too embarrassing, and no past is too shameful. Members of our groups all share a common passion to find freedom and to have a closer relationship with Jesus.

 At the end of 2023 we asked our members what else they would like to see us offer, and the results were really encouraging. In response we have introduced a number of new sessions which include a monthly opportunity to literally “keep it real.”  No masks required, just come, and tell us how you are doing and allow others to encourage you, there is no condemnation here.

We will continue to share testimony but in a slightly different format, where a member of the group will share part of their journey and take questions. These meets will be a great opportunity for people who've never come on a Zoom meeting with us before to sample the atmosphere and community.
There was also a real desire for more intense Bible study and some apologetics, and we are really looking forward to exploring God's word together with these two new monthly meetings.
Add to this our regular sessions from 2023 - two weekly prayer meetings, twice monthly meetings for men, and twice monthly meeting for 18- to 25-year-olds, a monthly social gathering, plus our four regular group discipleship zooms and I am sure you will see there is something for everyone.

Interested in joining?  Contact us



