Posts with the tag “spacious-place”

Don't take your moral cues from animals
by Sarah Sedgwick on July 1st, 2024
“Don't take your moral cues from animals.”Never a truer word than this, spoken by Christopher Yuan in a video I was watching last week, which explored yet another one of the reasons given by some Christians for the acceptance of homosexual behaviour as being from God. (Video now available on our resources page)I was honestly surprised that he felt the need to make this video, as I have not heard t...  Read More
Single minded
by Sarah Sedgwick on May 18th, 2023
As a pastor I’m sure you have a great passion for making sure all who attend your church receive great support and are made to feel welcome.  Often (but not always) pastors are married and are relate extremely well to other married couples in their church.  But the question is, how well do you relate to those who fall outside of that box?  How switched on are you to the challenges of that single m...  Read More
Are you part of the problem?
by Sarah Sedgwick on April 10th, 2023
Psalm 18:16-19He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support.  He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.Oh that the church would take heed of these verses when it comes to...  Read More
Our default as humans is hell
by Sarah Sedgwick on March 13th, 2023
It’s always a privilege to be asked to speak about my faith and personal testimony, it’s usually the Q & A session that I find the most fun as I get a chance to really hear what’s on people’s hearts.  In a couple of weeks I am speaking to a youth group and have been furnished with their questions in advance.  One question that popped out of the page to me was this, “Will LGBTQ people go to hell?We...  Read More
Bowing down to idols
by Sarah Sedgwick on January 31st, 2023
I was deeply saddened this week to read that St Nicholas Church in Leicester has given pride of place (excuse the pun) to the progress pride flag on its altar.  The Daily Mail online reports that “Church reverend Canon Karen Rooms claims the huge fabric Progress Pride Flag is merely a way of letting visitors know they are ‘welcome and safe”.I will come back to the ‘welcome and safe’ comment in a m...  Read More
Put away the flags!
by Sarah Sedgwick on November 29th, 2022
This week we launched all our training resources on to YouTube.  For the full experience, with teaching notes we still recommend that you sign up to our e-learning platform (Click Here). But the main reason for launching to YouTube is to ensure we reach as wide an audience as possible.  These videos are aimed at helping churches to assess where they are in terms of how friendly and welcoming they ...  Read More
Wake up Church
by Sarah Sedgwick on October 3rd, 2022
There are still many churches who preach and uphold the word of God on sexuality; sadly far fewer than were doing so a decade ago. How do these churches remain aware of the “leaven” and protect themselves from being tainted by the false teaching that is so prevalent today?One of the things that is essential is not to sit back and do nothing.  Members of our congregations live in the world and the ...  Read More
If not you, then who?
by Sarah Sedgwick on September 23rd, 2022
Often the people who approach our ministry for advice on how to talk to their kids about sexuality and faith come to us too late.  The damage of the world already done, they are coming to us from a reactive stance, as their child has now announced their new-found identity in one form of sexual orientation or another. For a Christian parent, this is difficult to navigate.  We desire that our childr...  Read More
What's the dumbest thing......?
by Sarah Sedgwick on September 22nd, 2022
I thought it would be interesting to ask a group of Christians who have experienced, or still experience, same sex attraction (SSA) about their experiences in church.  I asked the tongue in cheek question – what’s the dumbest thing someone’s ever said to you in church about SSA?I was not ready for the answers I received, it opened my eyes to a level of offence and ignorance that must be changed if...  Read More



