Dogmatic about truth

This week I was told that someone who had looked at our website had complained that, “I was dogmatic about my truth.”  They were someone with more liberal views on the nature of what the Bible teaches about sexuality, and who disagreed with the more conservative views of this ministry.

I don’t get upset over people who disagree with my beliefs, I see it as “job done”, when I share testimony and what the Bible says.  I don’t see it as my job to convict, simply to be salt and light, sharing a Biblical view as opposed to a worldview.

What I do object to, is the idea that there is more than one truth, and that I am adopting one of these supposed truths as my own.
The Collins English dictionary defines true as follows: If something is true, it is based on facts rather than being invented or imagined, and is accurate and reliable.  It then defines truth as follows: The truth about something is all the facts about it, rather than things that are imagined or invented.

Truth is based on facts, not vain imaginations or invented hyperbole.  Truth is definitive, if something is true then there cannot be an opposite and equal truth.  Truth does not belong to me, and there is not my truth and your truth.

Therefore, when we look for the truth of God, we have to examine God’s word to see where he is directing us.  We don’t need to do linguistic acrobatics to get to his meanings; we approach God’s word as a child and read it prayerfully with the help of the Holy Spirit.

God’s word is rich in wisdom and knowledge, when we search it with humility, we will find out what he is saying to us, and we will recognise His truth for ourselves.
So, no, I am not dogmatic about my truth, but I certainly am dogmatic about God’s word, His truth, not mine.  As a gay woman searching for truth, I humbled myself to read God’s word in a new light, and it was that humility that led me to find God, forgiveness and a transformed life through Jesus.



