Where do I fit in?

It never fails to sadden me when people who contact the ministry tell me that they are struggling to find a church where they feel welcome and safe to speak of their same sex attraction, whether current or historic.  The tendency seems to be that they either find a church that has become inclusive, to the point of celebration of same sex relationships.  Or, they find a church where they feel judged or unwelcome because church leaders or members are ill informed and don’t have the capacity to offer loving support.  This is why we are so passionate about helping church leaders to make their church’s spacious places for people to feel free to talk about all aspects of their life and faith journey.

Whilst our TBGL peer groups were never designed to replace church, they offer Christians with SSA a place where they can talk about the things that they feel they couldn’t speak about in their own communities.  With discipleship, bible study and small group meetings, the focus is always on increasing our faith, and sometimes that means creating space to address the giants in our lives (which is precisely what our current study is about as we work through the Louie Giglio “Goliath must fall” series).

We don’t want anyone to do this alone.  If you are someone who has history with same sex attraction, who holds to a traditional biblical sexual ethic and who wants a supportive community you are more than welcome to join us.

For details contact us at tbglministry@gmail.com or message via our social media accounts.



