Baptise them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Baptisms are such special occasions, so it was with joy that we learned that one of our Transformed International members, and key contributor to the Rev12 Project, got baptised at a conference this weekend.   Katrina has only been a Christian for a year, yet one read of her devotions included in the Rev12 Project give you a clear idea of the amazing work God has done in her life in such a short space of time.  Life has not dealt Katrina a kind hand, yet over and over again she amazes us with her devotion to Jesus and her desire to run her race well.

Sadly, we couldn't be with her on her special day, but we are so delighted to know that she has publicly confirmed her faith, as she said in her text, "I am a new creation."

If you would like to learn more about Katrina's journey visit the Rev12 Project website (click here) and look out for Katrina's contributions.



