Posts with the tag “gay-celibate-christian”
Where can I flee from your presence?
by Sarah Sedgwick on October 25th, 2024
Psalm 139 is my favourite Psalm and one that I have been reminded of three times this morning and it’s only just 9am!Why is this Psalm so special to me? Having spend 30 plus years in the wilderness, that is, apart from God, doing my own thing, I can attest to that fact that there was nowhere I went where I escaped him. Sure, I stuffed thoughts of him down, I tried to find my significance and wort... Read More
Living with an identity you can't walk in
by Sarah Sedgwick on August 31st, 2023
Something has been bothering me for a little while now, and I feel compelled to put some thoughts on paper. You may have heard of side A and side B Christians, terms commonly used to describe the two main approaches to Christian sexuality. Side A promoting the idea that you can be an openly gay Christian, and side B teaching a more traditional biblical sexual ethic, of being same-sex attracted b... Read More
TBGL groups, don't take our word for it
by Sarah Sedgwick on August 9th, 2023
What is TBGL and why should I join?TBGL groups meet regularly to study the Bible together, to share testimony of how God is working in our lives, to wrestle over some difficult topics, and to pray for each other, encouraging each other through the ups and downs of life. The one thing that we all have in common is that we have walked through sexual brokenness or are close friends or family members... Read More
Truth, turning and transformation
by Sarah Sedgwick on March 6th, 2023
I love delivering the Freedom in Christ course, it has become a key part of the discipleship we offer our group members and it never fails to deliver. On the Freedom in Christ website they highlight three “T’s” that they associate with the course:Truth, turning and transformation.The ten week course gives us space and time to look at the truth of who we are in Christ, and of course the truth that... Read More